Meeting spot

Appointment information is sent to you by SMS or Whatsapp (for non-French numbers) two days before the big day or the day before. If you haven't heard from us, there may have been a problem, so don't hesitate to contact us!

Prepare yourself

Come on an empty stomach, in comfortable clothes and with an open mind!

Need to bring something?

Apart from an umbrella in case of bad weather and a water bottle just in case, especially when it's hot, there's no need to bring something else!

A food tour is a guided culinary tour where, instead of visiting a museum for example, the visit focuses on food with the tasting of good little “dishes”.

With the aim of ensuring the sustainability of our activity, our food tours are organized all year round (excluding any team holidays).

The maximum duration is normally 3 hours, more if you like. If you feel comfortable, don’t hesitate to stay a little longer at the last stops which are there for that purpose (cafe at lunchtime or bar in the evening).

In the ticket price, you are paying for:

– The guiding service provided by our guides (3 hours)
– All the preparatory work organizing the routes and coordinating with our partners
– Between 40 and 50% of the price (depending on the city) is distributed to our partners who host you
– Various commissions taken by payment platforms or distribution partners (unless you purchase your ticket here)
– A commission taken by the payment gateway Stripe (for payments made here)

We talk about good food but also about the places we pass by to go from one place to another. Added to this is the meeting with the restaurant team.

Savory, sweet, drinks… But we can’t tell you what you’ll taste, it’s a surprise! What’s certain is that all our partners are independent and work with local products and homemade dishes as much as possible, and that we stop at 6 places both for lunch and dinner.

Let yourself be guided by our guides!

We vary our partners on the tours every week to offer you a unique food tour experience. So, you can do a Food Mood Tour endlessly (with other food-loving friends, for example). Moreover, since our partners only use seasonal products, their menus also change regularly.

In Rennes we have set up a 100% sweet tour one Saturday afternoon per month: the Sweet Style Tour, dedicated to all lovers of pastries or other sweet delights. In 1h30 you can get an overview of what our food tours are!

There are also our food tours at the Marché des Lices in Rennes and the Marché de Wazemmes in Lille.

If you let us know when you book, we can adapt to your diet (vegetarians and vegetarians welcome / vegan too but with more advance notice!). To do this, leave us a comment when you book!

For parents, we welcome your children even if they are infants.
As long as they can eat independently, you are asked to contribute.

Generally speaking, all our tours can be carried out in French and English.

In Rennes, we can also offer them to you in Italian.

To reserve your (magnificent!) gift, simply write to us at miam@foodmood-tour.com, indicating:
– the first and last name of the person who purchased the gift
– the desired city
– the desired date(s), specifying whether it is midday or evening

A processing time of 1 week maximum is now in place.
So remember to anticipate your requests as much as possible!

tell us if you agree

To be able to communicate, we take a few photos/videos during our tours, Don't hesitate to let the guide know if you don't want to appear on it!